Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Burning Nerd Podcast #11: A band of pirates?

It's been a hot minute since you last heard from DJ and Graham so today they are bring you a double header! We have two back to back podcast drafts!!

Draft #1 is who can form the best pirate crew.

Draft #2 is who can make the better band.

To be honest no muppets were chosen for either draft and I feel that is a real tragedy.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Burning Nerd Podcast #10: Rolling for DND Characters

Hey Burning Nerds, the boys decide to do a live roll for their new DND characters. However all the decisions are left up to the dice and that means only bad things can happen.

Also one of Graham's friends decided to answer DJ's plea for advice questions so we have one of those at the end...of this DND based episode...

Disclaimer: The advice section of this episode was meant to be mostly satire, as requested by Graham's friend. If you would like to hear the guys give real advice please let us know!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Burning Nerd Podcast #9: Kingdom Hearts 3.33

Episode 9 is finally here after our month’s long hiatus and the Burning Nerds are giving us their unfiltered opinions on Kingdom Hearts 3. It's all about likes, dislikes, and how Graham has never actually seen Big Hero 6.

There are heavy spoilers in this episode so listen with caution.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Burning Nerd Podcast #8: Meet season 2 Graham.

*Warning: The nerds were really fidgety this last recording and kept bumping the microphone.* 

Still continuing with the season 2 joke Graham and DJ talk, more like ramble, about their favorite video game songs and soundtracks. And you can bet all the usual suspects are on the list like "Bloody Tears" from Castlevania, "Blow me Away" from Halo 2, and of course the entire Pokemon OST.

However I think they missed another great opportunity by not mentioning one of the most prolific gaming related sounds of all time, the GameCube opening screen.


Saturday, September 1, 2018

Burning Nerd Podcast #7: We're already on season 2?

Man has it been awhile since we've last heard from ya boys, Graham and DJ! Now that the gang is back together, The Burning Nerds can finally answer the questions you've been dying to have answered.

This week's question: What video game power-ups would best be used in professional wrestling?!?

What I want to know is, Does Graham actually love his mommy?


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Burning Nerd Podcast #6: E3

Another E3 has come and gone and it's now time to talk about it. Graham and DJ will talk about what they loved and hated along with who they each think took best in show.

As of now I would like to formally apologize to Anthem that game looks so much better than I gave it credit for.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Burning Nerd Podcast #5: Infinity War

Now that it's been a month since Avengers: Infinity War has come it we're finally able to do a spoiler cast! DJ and Graham have a lot of fun with this episode as the talk about the parts of the movie they loved and some parts they didn't love as much.

My favorite part of the movie is when Thanos was on the screen at any given time. He was the real hero of that movie and you can't make me change my mind.